Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Auto-Biographical Elements In Maya Angelou's Autobiographical Poems

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Mrs. Sameena Iqbal1 , Dr. Venkataraman2


Abstract: Maya Angelou is one of the illustrious autobiographical poet, historian, lyrist, playwright, dancer, stage and screen producer, director, performer, singer, and civil rights activist. She is best known for her seven autobiographical poems. The themes encompassing African-American poet Maya Angelou's autobiographies include racism, identity, family, and travel. Angelou is best known for her autobiographical poems. Angelou’s autobiographical poetry occupies a unique position in her development as a poet. As a child, Angelou went through five years of self-imposed silence after she was raped at the age of seven by a Mr. Freeman, who was subsequently kicked to death by her uncle’s. The loss of her voice was a result of the trauma, which made her imagine that her voice could kill. Thanks to her teacher, Bertha Flowers, Angelou started writing autobiographical poetry and overcame her trauma. Autobiographical poetry thus played an essential part in the recovery of her voice, which in turn signaled the success of the healing process.

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