Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Atavism of Social Stratum and its Absolutism in the Indian society

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1Ms. P. Revathi , 2Dr. M. R. Bindu


Abstract: From ancient times, India has been a country for the people of foreign origin, the outsiders, more correctly the invaders. The social stratum, which subsists today, is the effect of the slump of Mughal era and the rise of British Raj on the Indian subcontinent. So, it is obvious that the caste and untouchability prevails in India from the past and it is clearly obtainable now from literary assets. The trauma in this twentyfirst century is the notable facet of world political, economic, social, cultural, education and religious whirls around the issues of status and inequality, based on sex/gender ethnicity/race, caste and class. As a result, the scholars are engrossed in recreating the bygone history of untouchability. The theories we have now are not firm and obvious, but various contradictory facts, which are expressed in credible ways. Hence, it would be germane to scrutinize the origin, progress, role and connotation of caste in India.

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