Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Assessment Of Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation And Management Of Ectopic Pregnancy

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Chandersheikhar1 , Devinder Kumar2*


Background: To assess asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women and treatment effect on outcome of pregnancy. Materials and Methods: One hundred five pregnant women of age group 18 – 45 years were involved. Collection of clean catch, mid- stream urine sample was done. Urine routine and microscopy was done. Maternal and fetal outcomes was recorded. Results: Significant bacteriuria was seen in 25, insignificant growth in 10 and negative in 70 cases. There were 10%, 6% and 0 pre- term, 81%, 90% and 100% term and 9%, 90% and 100% post- term birth in patients with significant bacteriuria, insignificant growth and negative bacteriuria. In significant bacteriuria patients, 86% patients had >2.5 kg weight and 14% had <2.5 kg weight. In insignificant growth patients, 91% had >2.5 kg weight and 9% had <2.5 kgs weight. 100% in negative growth patients had >2.5 kgs weight of babies. 91%, 93% and 100% patients had APGAR score between 9-10 at 1 minute and 95%, 99% and 100% had between 9- 10 respectively. 10%, 5% and 0 required NICU admission respectively. Conclusion: Significant bacteriuria was seen in 25 patients. Maximum were term and normal vaginal delivery. Maximum babies were with birth weight of >2.5 Kg and APGAR score of 9 and 10 was seen in patients with significant bacteriuria with minimum NICU admission.

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