Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Assessment Of Risk Factors, Clinical Presentation And Management Of Ectopic Pregnancy

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Devinder Kumar1*, Chandersheikhar2


Background: To assess risk factors, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy. Materials and Methods: One hundred ten ectopic pregnancies were selected for this study. Parameters like risk factors, symptoms, signs, USG findings and management were studied. Results: Symptoms observed were pain abdomen in 93, bleeding PV in 45, amenorrhea in 81, syncope in 12, vomiting in 30, shoulder tip pain in 7 and fever in 4 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Signs observed were abdominal tenderness in 54, fullness in fornix in 12, tenderness in fornix in 48, cervical motion tenderness in 32, adnexal mass in 6 and abdominal distension in 4 patients. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Risk factors observed were ART in 8%, infertility in 4%, previous abdominal surgery in 52%, spontaneous abortion in 12%, previous ectopic pregnancy in 3% and dilatation and curettage in 2% cases. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). USG findings were adnexal mass in 45%, gestational sac in 17%, cardiac activity in 2%, free fluid in POD in 68% and normal in 5% cases. The difference was significant (P<0.05). Management done was salpingectomy in 90, salpingectomy and metroplasty in 12 and salpingo-oophorectomy in 8 cases. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Common risk factors observed were ART, infertility, previous abdominal surgery, spontaneous abortion, previous ectopic pregnancy and dilatation and curettage. Management done was salpingectomy, salpingectomy and metroplasty and salpingooophorectomy.

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