Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Applications Of Orthodontic Micro Implants

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Dr. Kishore Kumar 1 , Dr.A.P. Mayuri2 , Dr.Padmavati3 ,


ABSTRACT : In orthodontics, Anchorage has been a worrisome factor for many years. Many modalities have been tried in the scientific literature for preserving the anchorage using the extraoral and intraoral devices, yet the speciality of orthodontics did not find any convenient solutions to this problem until the introduction of miniimplants. Various skeletal anchorage devices were introduced in the 20th century which includes prosthetic implants, palatal implants , mini-plates and screws. The implants used in orthodontics are also known as temporary anchorage devices (TADs), have become increasingly popular because they are small and easy to insert and remove, they can be loaded immediately after insertion, and they can provide absolute anchorage for many types of orthodontic treatment, with minimal need for patient compliance. This article reviews their indications, contraindications, safety zones for TADs, their insertion procedure, complications, failures and medicolegal aspects

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