Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Antibiotic resistance- A review

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Dr.Riddhi Tandon, Dr. Suresh Bhambhani


Background: Through the selection of resistant mutants, activation of latent resistance mechanisms, or acquisition of resistance determinants genes, bacteria may become more resistant after exposure. All of these processes may be sped up by antibiotic pressure.Objectives: To evaluate appropriate investigations and ascertain the condition of antibiotic resistance. Methods: After a thorough search of the online journals, 103 documents were found in total, and 54 of the papers were initially chosen. Then, 22 similar/duplicate articles were removed, leaving 41 investigations that were initially available. After reviewing the submissions' abstracts and titles, 17 more articles were disqualified. Finally, 21 papers that satisfied the inclusion and exclusion requirements were selected, including study articles and control trials.Results: All the 21 articles reported extensive antibiotic resistance to antimicrobial therapies, especially in cases of gram-negative bacterium. Conclusion: Finding strategies that can effectively lessen the burden of bacterial resistance towards antibiotics is the primary concern, whether they are applied in a variety of settings or are precisely tailored to the resources available and the most effective pathogen-drug combinations in a given environment.

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