Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Dr. AKSHAY DAGA, Dr. Pavan Rathod


Facial Soft tissue and Hard tissue lacerations of the head and neck region are one of the most common consultations for oral and maxillofacial surgeons in the emergency department. Bite injuries to the aesthetic region like face , head and neck region can result in facial disfigurement with distressing physical, mental and psychological consequences of the patient. Animal bite wounds are most commonly occur on the upper extremities of the body , especially the hand, but some time large percentage are also located on the face as well as head region. The most frequently affected areas are the lips, chin, ears, and nose. It is particularly problematic if large areas of soft tissue in the head region are lost or amputated. An optimal aesthetic result sometimes can only be achieved by extensive surgery such as local flaps or microsurgical replantation. The aim of this study was to establish recommendations for treating animal bite wounds on the face and head based on analysis of our own cases and to discuss the problem of soft tissue loss. The clinical signs ad symptoms and proper management of infected animal bite wounds are vary according to the animals and causative organisms. These kinds of wounds have always been considered complex injuries contaminated with a unique bacteria. This article reviews various animal bite in maxillofacial region, incidence, bacterial implications, risk factors associated with bite injuries and their complications. Animal bite wounds are commonly located on the face, head and neck an oral and maxillofacial surgeon needs to be familiar with the treatment modalities of animal bites, and their various surgical management and educate patients on ways to avoid future bite injuries.

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