Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Analysis of Training Needs for Medical Staff Based on Patient Complaints at Public Health Center.

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Martha Ariana Wijayanti; Nyoman Anita Damayanti


Abstract Patient satisfaction is the core of patient-oriented marketing. Satisfying and quality service will form patient loyalty, so it will also bring in new customers. This study aimed to analyze the cause of complaints contributing to the occurring updates. The research design used was a quantitative descriptive. Analysis of training needs was carried out by looking at the organization based on the number of complaints and customer satisfaction surveys as a result of the Organizational Assessment, competency assessments as a result of the Task Analysis, attitudes and work methods of officers conducted by interviews as a result of the Individual Assessment. Based on data of complaints from public health center, the number of patients in 2018 was 14; 8 people were not satisfied with the attitude of the medical staff who provided services and 6 people were dissatisfied with the services provided. The customer satisfaction survey agreed that the descriptive executors were categorized as bad and the training was only carried out to improve competence in accordance with the fulfillment of competency requirements. The results of the research from the customer satisfaction survey conducted showed that the behavior of officers and service time was bad. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the services of the Public Health Center of Siwalankerto by reducing complaints, namely by increasing the ability of medical staff, one of which is through communication training.

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