Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Analysing The Process Of The Intensive – Extensive Reading Method In A Literature Classroom Setting And ESL Classroom Setting

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Mariann Edwina1 , G.Nagamany Govindan


This article focuses on the use of the intensive reading method in the literature classroom setting, and comparing the method used to the reading process that takes place in the ESL classroom setting. This article also investigates all possible reading processes or steps, and evaluate what steps in the intensive reading method is crucial for students to focus on the reading activity attentively while being able to develop their vocabulary to be better users of the English language. Subsequently, this article also justifies the idea of integrating the intensive reading to the extensive reading to conduct more effective reading lessons that have been observed in many literature classrooms. It is prominent that most literature subjects use the intensive reading method to conduct their reading activities, thus enabling their students to have a better approach towards using the language in other possible ways such as descriptive writing. Therefore, knowing what takes place in the literature classroom and how the process of reading activities are at work is essential for educators and learners in the ESL classroom to conduct and participate in the reading more effectively.

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