Online ISSN: 2515-8260

An Efficient Brain Tumor Classification And Detection Using Evolutionary Approach For Healthcare System

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Vinoth Kumar.V1 , Dr. Paluchamy.B2


Abstract: The growth of irregular cells within the brain region with the prearrangement of tissues is characterized as a Brain Tumor that leads death to people. Comparing to other categories of cancers, a brain tumor is the most deadly disease that has to be detected and treated in the previous stage. Due to cells' complex formation, the tumor detection process is complicated with simple image processing methodologies. Moreover, for providing proper and efficient treatment to the patients, an exact cancer segmentation and classification technique must process the input of brain images as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans. Based on that, this paper develops a novel approach called Soft Computing based Brain Tumor Detection and Classification (SC-BTDC) with the obtained MRI. In the present scenario of tumor detection from image processing, soft computing techniques play a significant role. Hence, it is adopted in this work. The method contains phases such as pre-processing, Fuzzy c-Means clustering-based segmentation, feature extraction, and image classification. The median pre-processing filter and edge detection methods are incorporated for noise removal and clearly define the image in the stage of the median pre-processing filter. Further, FCM based clustering is performed for the image segmentation process, following, factors of Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) found feature extraction is established. The final phase includes the classification process using the soft computing technique called Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classification. The proposed system acquires a higher accuracy rate and is compared with various existing algorithms for proving the efficiency and minimum loss of the proposed algorithm.

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