Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Dr. C. Vijai Prasad1 , Dr. M. Abhul Sathar Sait2 , Dr. A. Ponnambalam1*


We have searched the literature for evidence of the pharmacokinetics (PK) effect of rifampin. Ambroxol co-administration was proven to be beneficial in the rat model, according to reports. A half-life increase in ambroxol levels in the lung tissue, leading to higher levels of rifampin in the lungs, [5] indicating a double increase in high concentration (Cmax) and an 80% increase in high concentration (Cmax) in mice. Any developments were evaluated in terms of their ability to develop literature. Drug-resistant and drug-resistant germs can be treated. Most pre-clinical trials use complete animals. Despite the fact that lung tissue levels are measured, most clinical studies rely on less invasive procedures such as sputum or bronchoalveolar lavage. In a pre-clinical study, Wiemeyer used mice given 50 mg / kg of oral ampicillin and amoxicillin. with or without oral ambroxol at a dose of 10 mg / kg, compared with the average human dose Ampicillin and amoxicillin tissue concentration increased by 23% and 27%, respectively, with combined ambroxol treatment. However, an increase in the level of antibiotics in the lung tissue is less likely to allow the treatment of antimicrobials, and many doses of antibiotics are already effective in the clinic, so improved effects of ambroxol combination therapy are also not possible. According to at least one clinical report of each class, bromhexine and ambroxol improve the levels of a variety of antimicrobial drugs in the lungs, including beta lactam, erythromycin, rifampin, and vancomycin. Aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, sulfonamides, and tetracyclines did not show the same increase, however it is unclear whether this is due to bias in the negative feedback reports or lack of research on these drugs.

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