Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study to assess the knowledge regarding prevention of micro-vascular and macro vascular complication among client with diabetic mellitus in selected area of pune city.

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Mrs.Sunita Chavan1a , Ankita Murade2b , Shraddha Memane3b, Sachin Dede4b , Mohini Bhojane5b, Mohini Bhojane5b


Diabetes is a long-lasting metabolic condition characterized by abnormally elevated fructose (or sugar levels) levels. Diabetes may have a disastrous effect on the heart, capillaries, eyes, lungs, and nerves over time. The most common kind of diabetes, that often affects adults, occurs when the body gets resistance to or inadequate insulin production. Type 2diabetes has been more prevalent in countries of all income backgrounds during the previous three decades. Type 1 diabetes, previously known as high blood sugar or renin - angiotensin - aldosterone mellitus, is a chronic condition in which the gastrointestinal insulin acts as a self-regulating hormone. Micro vascular and macro vascular problems linked with type 2 diabetes are debilitating and possibly fatal. Cardiovascular problems occur in up to 80% of individuals with type 2 diabetes and account for around 65% of fatalities in this group Methodology: The study design was descriptive design. Total 200 sample were selected for data collection. A Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from the samples. Tool was constructed to identify the demographic variables, and a set of structured questionnaires prevention of micro-vascular and macro vascular complication among client with Diabetes Mellitus. Result: Knowledge on micro vascular- and macro vascular problem prevention. The significant results are that 147 (73.5%) of clients had average knowledge, 33 (16.5%) had strong knowledge, and 20 (10%) had low understanding. The mean degree of knowledge for micro- and macro vascular problem prevention is 13.18, with a standard deviation of 3.94.

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