Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Study On Desarda Versus Lichenstein Technique For Inguinal Hernia Treatment

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1Dr. Dhananjaya BM, 2Dr. Ranjith BS, 3Dr. Veershetty, 4Dr. Sagar Z


Suture repair for inguinal hernia is still under development, and recently, desarda as described an operation where a 1-2 cm strip of external oblique aponeurosis lying over the inguinal canal is isolated from the main muscle but attached both medially and laterally. It is then sutured to the conjoint tendon and inguinal ligament, reinforcing the posterior wall of inguinal canal. As the abdominal muscle contract, this strip of aponeurosis tightens to have further physiological support to the posterior wall. Patients underwent necessary investigations including blood routine including Heamoglobin, Total count, Differential count, Erythrocite sedimentation rate, Platelet count, Bleeding time, Cloting time and Biochemical routine including Blood Urea, Serum creatinine, Serum electrolyte and urine analysis. Chest Xray and Electrocardiography. Any other investigations was done if required based on history and other complaints. Among the postoperative complications encountered in the present study seroma rate was roughly similar in both groups.

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