Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on complications of management of bimalleolar fractures of ankle

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1Dr. Gaurav M, 2Dr. Deepak HR, 3Dr. Narasimha murthy N, 4Dr. Ravi Varma V N


The ankle helps for the smooth vertical movement of the body’s center of gravity and to decrease the transient ground reaction force during forward progression. In the normal walking, the ankle is in plantar flexion, as the heel comes in contact with the ground and foot accepts the weight of body. On admission of the patient, a careful history was elicited from the patient and/or attendants to reveal the mechanism of injury and the severity of trauma. The patients were then assessed clinically to evaluate their general condition and a complete survey was done to rule out significant injuries. In our study, 14.3% patients had complications. 3 patients had superficial infection, 1 patient deep infection, 1 patient delayed union of medial malleolus. The infections (superficial and deep) were managed with debridement and antibiotics. Delayed union #MM was treated with continued immobilisation, which eventually united without surgical intervention.

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