Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Study On Clinical Profile Of Patients With Haemorrhoids

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Dr. Chandrashekar S , 2Dr. Sachin HG , 3Dr. Manasa S , 4*Dr. Konappa V


Haemorrhoids can be categorized by their location as well as by the size and degree of prolapse of the involved tissue. Internal haemorrhoids are located proximal to the dentate line, external haemorrhoids are distal to it, and 'mixed' haemorrhoids arise from both the internal and external plexi along with their anastomotic connections. A detailed history was taken and all patients were subjected to clinical examination including per rectal and proctoscopic examination. Routine lab investigations like blood and urine examination and screening of chest was done. In our study, the patients were in the age range of 21-84 years. Most of the patients in the stapler group were in the age group of 41- 50 years, while in the open group, the majority were in the range of 21-40 years.

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