Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on clinical profile of patients with fractures of long bones admitted at a tertiary care hospital

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1Dr. Vinay N, 2Dr. Shreesha Tokur, 3Dr. Veerabhadra Javali, 4Dr. Yogesh Kadam


In most circumstances, determining the cause of an open fracture is simple. A severe bleeding laceration overlaying or near the fracture of the underlying bone is common in injured patients. Because too soft tissue loss, broken bone may be revealed in some circumstances. However, not all open fractures are visible and proper diagnosis and treatment requires a thorough examination of the patient, a thorough review of the patient's medical history, the reading of radiographs, and sound clinical judgment. All patients attending the orthopedic out-patient department and casualty of MGM medical college and hospital with complaints of an open fracture grade II, IIIA, IIIB and meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria will be selected for the study. A written informed consent will be obtained from selected patients. According to Gustilo and Anderson open fracture Classification, majority of the fractures belonged to grade II (76.66%), followed by III A (16.66%) and III B (6.66%).

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