Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on clinical profile of patients with cirrhosis of liver with or without hepatic encephalopathy

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1Dr. Siddesh, 2Dr. Shilpa BN, 3Dr. S Palaniappan


In patients suspected of having cirrhosis, abdominal imaging typically ultrasound is obtained to evaluate the liver parenchyma and to detect extrahepatic manifestations of cirrhosis. A liver biopsy is required to definitively confirm the diagnosis. However, it is generally not necessary if the clinical, laboratory, and radiologic data strongly suggest the presence of cirrhosis and the results would not alter the patient's management. Noninvasive serologic and radiographic methods for diagnosing cirrhosis are also being developed. We had selected 22 cases of liver cirrhosis without hepatic encephalopathy (Group A) and 22 cases of liver cirrhosis with hepatic encephalopathy (Group B). During the Study period approximately 200 to 250 cases satisfying the Inclusion and Exclusion criteria were expected in each group. So after selecting the first eligible case in each Group by simple random procedure, every 10th eligible case in that Group have been enrolled till the required sample size of 22 cases in each Group was achieved. In the present study mean serum bilirubin in group A was 2.06 ± 2.21 mg/dL and in group B was 4.16 ± 3.40 mg/dL. In the present study, mean serum albumin in group A was 3.21 ± 0.69 gm/dL and in group B 3.06 ± 0.55 gm/dL. In the present study, in group A 63.6% patients had ascites, 36.4% did not have ascites. In group B 59.1% patients had ascites, 40.9% did not have ascites.

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