Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on clinical profile of children with protein energy malnutrition

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Undernutrition is a condition in which there is inadequate consumption, poor absorption or excessive loss of nutrients. Overnutrition is caused by overindulgence or excessive intake of specific nutrients. Deficiency in macronutrients such as protein, carbohydrates and fat provoke protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM), and when combined with micronutrient deficiencies, they are among the most important nutritional problems with hundreds of millions of pregnant women, elderly and young children particularly affected. This study was carried out in the department of paediatrics, in children between 6 to 60 months of age with protein energy malnutrition. WHO criteria was used to define protein energy malnutrition. Detailed history and systemic examination was done. In our study, fever 86.26%, vomiting 53.55% cough 45.50%, were the most common symptoms. Decreased feeding was present in 36.49% of cases, loose stool present in 35.07% of cases, oedema present in 27.01% weight loss was present in (18.96%) of cases, dyspnea were present in 17.54% of cases, pain abdomen was present in 16.11% and convulsions present in 7.11% of cases.

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