Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Study On Clinical Outcome Of Propofol And KetamineMidazolam As Procedural Sedative Agent In Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgeries

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1Dr. Yuvaraj MK, 2Dr. Manasa S, 3Dr. Sachin HG, 4*Dr. Pradeep Hosagoudar


Benzodiazepine receptors are closely linked with GABA receptors and appear to facilitate the activity of the latter. Activated GABA receptors open chloride ion channels which then either hyperpolarize or short-circuit the synaptic membrane. Propofol is one of a group of alkylphenols. The alkylphenols are oils at room temperature and insoluble in aqueous solution, but they are highly lipid soluble. It has pH of 7 and pKa of 11, appears as a slightly viscous, white milky substance. It is stable at room temperature and is not light sensitive. Detailed preanaesthesia check-up was be done on the day prior to surgery and appropriate investigations was be carried out. The anaesthesia technique and questionnaire was explained to the patient and written informed consent was be taken. Time to induce spinal in A+B group is 25.85 Seconds. Number of attempts on an average in A+B group is 1.35.Patient Comfort score in A+B group 8.33. Patient satisfaction score in A+B 86.42.

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