Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Study of ICT Enabled E-Governance & E-Commerce in relation with Medical and Healthcare sector in India

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Dr. Pragalbh Sharma


E-Governance has now emerged recently as highly emergent issue especially in the makeover of the public sector almost in every developing country.1 Since, the indulgence of egovernance demands a new set of rules and regulations, there is a need that sound set of rules and regulations should be framed and intensely implemented. Further the safety, privacy and security concerns related to the data are also few most important issues which are always considered as the weakness or the barriers of the ICT tools, specifically for the online services like E-Governance. One of the fields where the E-Governance provides flexibility, ease and advantage is the ability of the citizens to access the administrative information through the online portals using the ICT technology.2 E-Governance promotes the ingenuousness and transparency in the functioning of the Government systems.3 The use of ICT enabled e-governance and e-commerce practices in the field of medicine and healthcare has increased very significantly in the recent past all around the world which is leading to the very effective functioning of the medicine and health care system globally and in India as well. The present research paper intends to discuss the various dimensions of E-Governance and E-Commerce along with the different challenges in its implementation and adoption especially in the medical and healthcare sector in India to advance the efficiency, accessibility and culpability of the ICT enabled e-governance and e-commerce technology in India.

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