Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study of acute kidney injury in cirrhosis of liver

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Dr. Meghna Vaidya, Dr. Nitin Sarate, Dr. Juhi Kawale, Dr. Vinayak Pai


Background: The prevalence of renal dysfunction has been reported to vary from 14-50% in patients with cirrhosis. The prevalence is estimated to be approximately 50% among patients with cirrhosis and ascites and 20% of patients with advanced cirrhosis admitted to the hospital 3,4 . The wide range in prevalence is likely due to different study populations and varying definitions of renal dysfunction. Patients with HRS who fail to respond to medical therapy or those with severe renal failure of other etiology may require renal replacement therapy. Simultaneous liver kidney transplant (SLK) is needed in many of these patients to improve their post-transplant outcomes. However, the criteria to select patients who would benefit from SLK transplantation are based on consensus and lack strong evidence to support them. Heath care system has evolved over the last decade and newer drugs are available for the management of complication of cirrhosis. We attempt to study its impact on course and outcome of acute kidney injury. Also few of the patients could possibly be on the antiviral drugs for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. If these patients are admitted they will be included in study and we would study the effect of the effect of this drug on acute kidney injury and vice versa. Hence, the present study was conducted to study clinical profile of patients with acute kidney injury in liver cirrhosis.

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