Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Review on Apoptosis: When Death Precedes Life

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Dr. Pragya Panda1 , Dr. Subhashree Ray2 , Dr. Sudeshna Behera3 , Dr. Subhrat kumar Tripathy4 , Dr. Sangeeta S Bhanja5 , Dr. Viyatprajna Acharya6


Abstract: Apoptosis process occurs when a cell decides to die by itself. This often happens for the better development and morphological changes of the whole organism, mostly to prevent cell damage and various cancers. Morphological and biochemical changes such as energy dependent mechanism plays a pivotal role in apoptosis or PCD(programmed cell death). It has a significant role in development of embryos, normal and proper cell turnover, homeostasis and its functioning. By this process atrophy of a cell occurs which may be hormone dependent or by chemicals. Due to disturbance in apoptosis or failure of regulation of apoptotic signals may lead to condition like damage of neurons, heart, blood regulation, autoimmune disorders or cancers. Study of apoptosis might play a vast development and acknowledgment of the huge therapeutic and palliative aspects of this. Many researches are going on for to understand thoroughly the mechanism of cell cycle and its pathways that is the key regulator of the apoptosis. Apart from cell cycle, the key proteins and enzymes and their mechanism remained to be explained. This review article mainly aims for better overview of current knowledge on the topic, mechanism of programmed cell death with health problems and detection methodologies, which is vast topic to explain but this article aims to concise and simplify it for better understanding.

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