Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Raspberry Pi Based Smart Wrist Band for Women Safety Using IoT

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Dr.K. Mala1 , R.K. Pavithra2 , S. Swetha3 , N. Yashika4 , S. Varsha5


Abstract. Amongst the many difficulties that women face in this modern world. Sexual harassment, trafficking and physical abuse are some of the most common crisis faced by women. Thus, it is mandatory to find a solution in order to protect women from becoming victims to such assaults. This paper aims at putting together a device to protect women. The device which resembles a watch, can be worn on the wrist. In case of danger the victim can press the button in the device that will record the image of the assaulter through a Raspberry Pi based camera that is placed in the device. This image is immediately sent as message and mail to a set of pre-stored emergency contacts and the nearby police station through the app already available in the victim’s phone. This particular system will also track the location of the victim and send it as mail or SMS along with the captured image. This device is also provided with a shock circuit which can be used by the victim for self-defence.

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