Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Hospital Based Prospective Study to Assess the Outcome of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) in Snake Bite Patients at Newly Established Medical College

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Dr.Hanuman Ram Choudhary1 , Dr.Anil Kumar Sethiya2 , Dr.Motilal Godara3


Background: Snake envenomation is a serious medical crisis, wherein the spectrum of injury can vary from local tissue damage to involvement of almost all vital organs of the body. Hence, the need to recommend the most effective first aid to the victims bitten by snakes and to recommend effective steps in the management of this problem. The aim of this study to find out the incidence of acute kidney injury in snakebite patients. Materials and Methods: This is a hospital-based prospective observational study in 50 consecutive patients, with history of poisonous snakebite, admitted to Government Medical College & Hospital, Barmer, newly established tertiary referral centre in western Rajasthan, India during one-year period. Snakebite and species identification was confirmed by a reliable history from patients, patient's relatives, specimen brought and presence of fang marks and signs of local and systemic envenomation. All patients were interviewed using a standardized questionnaire to maintain a record of patient's history relevant to snakebite envenomation. All these analyses were performed using a commercially available software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 21 version on personal computer. Results: In our study, mean age group of AKI was 40.7 ± 13.21 years, incidence of AKI was 60% in male and 40% in female and it was found to be 94% in rural population and 6% in urban population. Only in 4% of cases, snakes were identified. Incidence of AKI was found to be 30%.33.33% (N=1/3) of the patients with AKI had neurotoxicity (p>0.05). Thus, not significant. None of the patients with AKI had brown or black coloured urine. 75 % of patients with AKI had whole blood clotting time more than 20min (p-0.000), thus highly significant. AKI developed in 62.5% patients with bite to ASV interval <= 2hours and 37.5% with interval >2 hours (p>0.05), thus not significant. Conclusion: Snakebites are still a common medical emergency encountered, especially in rural areas. Timely treatment is the mainstay for reduction of morbidity and mortality. Recognition of predictor signs is essential for clinical management and early referral which could lead to a significant decrease in morbidity and mortality. Further long-term studies might help to assess predictors of renal failure in snake bite envenomation.

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