Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A.Gerlak, Wiley andMy Actor in the development of the pedestal skills by changing direction and correctionFrom jumping basketball for Student of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

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Rafid Ali Dawood


Abstract The current study aimed to show the model of Gerlak, Eli andThe Actors in the development of the peddly skills of changing direction and correction of basketball jumping, and the moral differences between the experimental and control groups in the Post- test in the development of the pedestal skills by changing the direction and correction of basketball jumping. The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research, and the sample of the research included (37) students of the fourth stage in theFaculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences for the academic year 2019-2020 and the rate of (15) students for the experimental group and (15) students for the control group. The parity between the groups was made in the pedestal and correction skills of basketball, the researcher relied on the model ofGerlak Wiley, andused the researcher statistical bag(SPSS)for data processors and the study came out that there is a moral effect notmodelGerlak and Eli in the development of the pedestal skills by changing direction and correction of jumpingbasketball.

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