Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Comparative Study between the Retinal Vein Occlusion with Serum Lipid Levels in Adults in Banaskantha District and Adjoining Area of Gujarat and Rajasthan(India)

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1 Dr. Sonal Agrawal , 2Dr. Jigish Desai 3 Dr. Hasmukh I Joshi,4 Dr. Ami Modh


Purpose: To study the serum lipid levels of patients with retinal vein occlusion and compare the lipid levels with age matched control group, also correlate with RVO induced macular edema. Study Design: A comparative study. Methods: This was a comparative study. Total 172 patients were included. Among them there were around 86 patients /cases in group1, (26 CRVO, 55 BRVO, 5 HRVO) diagnosed and 86 controls (selective age matched) in group 2 enrolled into the study. Group 1 cases were those who meet our inclusion and exclusion criteria. After taking informed consent, detailed history taken and thorough ophthalmological examination was done, All patients with retinal vein occlusion in group 1 underwent optical coherence tomography scan to assess macular edema to detect central retinal thickness. Later they were advised for fasting serum lipid levels in an advanced biochemistry laboratory. Results: Total cholestrol, triglycerides , HDL, LDL levels were elevated significantly in cases with RVO group 1 as compared to age matched controls group 2. Conclusion: Hyperlipidemia is a common independent risk factor for occurrence RVO in adults. Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL levels were raised (p-value <0.001) and HDL levels were reduced (p value <0.001) in patients with retinal vein occlusion as opposed to age matched comparison control group which was statistically significant. Hyperlipidemia are common risk factors for RVO in adults. It remains to be determined that serum lipid levels can improve visual acuity or the complications of RVO

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