Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Case Report On Management Of Kukundar Marma Abhighata By Agnikarma

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Tyagi Ankit, Meshram Akashdeep, Soni Bhoomi


Marma comprises an important place in Ayurveda literature. Marma injuries have been mentioned since ancient times in the context of war fares. Now in this changing scenario we need to look at it in a different perspective and in a wider range. Kukundara Marma, a Vaikalyakara Marma structurally categorized under Sandhi Marma1. The location is said as on either side of ‘Pristavamsha’ on ‘Jagana Bahir baghaga’, injury to which causes loss of movement and loss of sensation in the lower part of the body2.In Ayurveda various modalities like Agnikarma, Vidhakarma etc. has been described for present study 55 years old female patient came with the complain of pain in the low back along with difficulty in movement since 3 months, she had history of fall 5days back and heavy weight lifting during daily household work since long time. After thorough clinical assessment she was diagnosed as Kukundar marma abhighata and she was given Agnikarma for 4 sittings on 3 days gap along with some internal medication and she got relief in pain and movements were improved. So Agnikarma is can be beneficial in Kukundar marma Abhighata.

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