Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Case Report on Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatitis in an Adult Patient

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Dr. Ruchi Bhuyan1, Dr. Sanat Kumar Bhuyan 2*, Akankshya Sahu3 ,Dr. Gautam Rath4, Sidhant Bhuyan5


Abstract: Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis is widely recognized type of HSV-1 disease in the oral region. Over 90% primary herpetic gingivostomatitis infections are brought about by HSV-1 and a few cases by HSV-2. Most often it is reported in children but also seen in elders and adults. Infection is greatly transmissible and communicated by direct interactionto infected saliva and lesions. This infection is generally noticeable in buccal region thus it is significant for the health professionalists to detect the infection in the right time. In this article we account a 36 year old female patient having acute herpetic gingivostomatitiswith giving attention on medical features, symptoms and signs and its management.

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