Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A Brief Study On Impact Of Advertisement On Consumer Buying Behaviour

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Prini Verma,Shraddha Dudani,Sheetal Singh,Mayank Banjare ,Ms. Riya Goel


A significant part of company is advertising. Advertisements are used to introduce a business, build a brand, and position a business, a product, or a service in the buyer’s mind relative to other well-known, rival businesses. The goal of the study is to investigate how advertisements affect customer purchasing decisions. 100 people were selected as the study’s sample. To assess the impact of the advertisements on consumer behavior, a detailed questionnaire was developed. The findings demonstrate that while advertising is quite effective at raising consumer awareness, it fails to forge lasting impressions in their minds. Consumer perceptions and brand awareness of a specific product are two factors that will persuade and influence the consumer to purchase a product because there is a positive relationship between the two.

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