Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Total conservative parotidectomy for management of benign parotid neoplasms

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1Dr. Apurva Agarwal, 2Dr. Manas Ranjan Deo, 3Dr. Santsevi Prasad, 4Dr. Sunil Kumar


Introduction: Salivary gland tumours contribute for about 3 - 10% of all neoplasms of the head and neck; from this, benign tumours are commoner than their malignant counterpart. The most common benign neoplasm of salivary glands is pleomorphic adenoma which constitute about 60 – 70% incidence in the general population. The overall incidence of salivary gland tumours is roughly remains unchanged throughout the world and there is no significant predilection for either sex. In the early 1940s, intracapsular enucleation was performed as the management for pleomorphic adenoma. Leaving the tumour capsule in-situ resulted with 45% of its recurrence. Patey and Thackray explained that the capsule of the tumour is often incomplete and therefore, a lumpectomy was suggested to be replaced by other procedures available. Extra capsular dissection removes 2–3 mm border of healthy tissues without damaging the facial nerve and partial superficial parotidectomy removes 2 cm of normal parotid tissue with partial facial nerve dissection. Furthermore, SP versus TCP carries the advantages of avoiding post-operative temporary facial nerve weakness and Frey’s syndrome. Hence, there is also evidence that 60% of parotid tumours lie in close contact with facial nerve and exposure of the tumour capsule remains a great concern.3 this retrospective study assesses the immediate and long-term results of Total Conservative Parotidectomy in patients with benign parotid neoplasms

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