Online ISSN: 2515-8260

The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Productivity in Developing Countries: A Quantitative Study

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Climate has a significant impact on agricultural output, particularly in nations like India where more than two thirds of arable land is irrigated by rainfall. As a result, both the direct and indirect consequences of climate change on agriculture are significant and extremely concerning. Global temperature rise, intensified precipitation, rising sea levels, ice sheet melt, shifting agricultural growing seasons, and an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events like floods and droughts are some of its symptoms. The impact of all these factors is significant on agricultural production in emerging nations. Depending on the severity and kind of consequences it is bringing, these impacts might be both long-term and short-term. They include things like soil deterioration, effects on water availability, significant losses in crop productivity, etc. The economy of nations like India, where the bulk of the population relies heavily on agriculture for a living, is also impacted by the climate change

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