Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Psychology in an Artificial intelligence stance

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Anu Abraham


This review discusses a role for psychology in the development in the sector of artificial intelligence. Cognitive science bestows the scientific basis for advancement in the realm of artificial intelligence. Gleaning a high tech machine that can think ,learn, reason, experience and can function autarchic bereft of supervision is one of the pivotal grails in all of computer science. Studies posit that higher education in psychology can smooth the path for reasoning about general issues. With a prodigiously autarchic, learning ,reasoning,artificially intelligent system comes with a need to possess hardware and software that transcribes processes and subsystems that subsist within a human brain including intuitive and emotional concepts. The idea of interweaving these two immense realms: the complexities of psychology and vitality of artificial intelligence has gained escalation in recent times. This review focuses on how computer implementation and psychological tools bring enhancement in the field of artificial intelligence.

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