Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Optimization Of Molecular- Genetic Methods For The Determination Of Resistance Markers Using Genotyping Of Actn3 And Ace Genes

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Berdieva Dilnavoz Toshkan kizi1 , Bakieva Gulnoza Habibullayevna1 , Abdusattarova Sagdiana Sobitjanovna2 , professor Abdullaeva Muborak Makhmusovna2 , professor assistent Gazieva Zebunniso Yusubjanovna


Recently parents want their children to be busy with a particular kind of sport. Adults often decide on this issue, based on their own desires. But still, we must remember that, first of all, it is necessary to focus on the child's abilities and capabilities. Physical culture and sports are different things, and they pursue different goals: they are engaged in physical culture in order to strengthen their physical condition and be healthy, and sports are also for the sake of victories, achievements, and results. In humans, more than two hundred genes are known that are associated with endurance, speed and strength. Usually, the reason for differences (polymorphism) of genes is the replacement of individual nucleotides in the DNA molecule, leading to a change in the properties of the gene. The main advantage of molecular genetic methods is that a person’s behavioral activity is shown to be hereditary, and early diagnosis reveals a highly informative assessment of the possibility of physical development. A distinctive feature of this diagnosis is the ability to identify hereditary trends, the development of factors of occupational diseases, determining the physical performance of a person and reducing the quality of his life.

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