Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Lifestyle Was A Medicine By Itself: Traditional Lifestyle Publicized in Girish Karnad’s Plays

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1M. Vimochana*, 2Dr. M. R. Bindu


Abstract Covid-19 commonly called the Corona virus has shaken the whole world and the pandemic has spread like wildfire. Solution and remedy are sort throughout the world. While brainstorming and pooling in all possible solutions, one main remedy suggested by many experts is life-style changes. This research work intends to throw light on the traditional lifestyle of the primitive Indian societies as show in the plays of the great dramatist Girish Karnad. Recouping the traditional lifestyle would have avoided this huge a pandemic or at least helped in handling it. Karnad’s plays are a perfect portrayal traditional lifestyle of Indian societies, readapting that lifestyle would be a possible solution to handle Covid Pandemic. Practices like vegetarianism, natural disinfection, exercise and meditation have been prevalent in the olden days, these practices are showcased in the most of the plays of Girish Karnad. If these practices are retrieved and brought into regular usage, there is likely a chance to handle and overcome this evil era and sojourn the bigger disaster yet to come.

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