Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Key words: Immunohistochemistry, Hyperplasia, Carcinoma, Squamous cell

Main Article Content

Henry Melgarejo-Nagata, Michael Cabanillas-Carbonell


Currently, hearing impairment is not alien to our reality. The limitations that these people present are reflected in the development of their communication skills, which prevents its development in the social, work and psychological sphere. There are various methods to help these people, the communication adaptations that aim to develop their social skills. One of the methods to achieve the social integration of these people is by applying ICT. For this reason, the objective of this systematic review of the scientific literature is to determine the criteria that should be taken for the development of an emerging technology for the social inclusion of people with hearing disabilities. For the preparation of this research, a compilation of 61 sources of information in Spanish and English, related to the subject, was made. The selected articles were obtained from the databases,, Dialnet and IEEE Xplore.

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