Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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D.Fathema Farzana1 ,G.Ramakrishnan2 , R.Nishanth3 , Roshan Nawaz4 , A.Vijaya vignesh5


Abstract. Everyone in today’s world possesses a vehicle to avail a comfortable journey, making most of the chores gratified. As the result of this the number of vehicles on road has increased in a tremendous amount in the last decade. Along with this the number of accidents has also increased thus causing a large amount of death mainly because of rash driving and few other human errors. With the outbreak of large number of death caused by accidents many measures have been taken like limiting the maximum speed of vehicles, restricting the movements of heavy load vehicles during the day and many more. But till today the practice or measures taken on preventing the accidents is given more priority compared to ,the precautions taken to cure a victim who met with an accident. The existing methodologies to treat /support a victim are very few and also are not that reliable .This paper thus proposes a method where in, a person who met with an accident is assured a fast support from the ambulance operating in the nearby location. This is achieved by sending the precise site of the mishap to the already available helpline numbers using recent technologies.

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