Online ISSN: 2515-8260

How are the Understanding and Awareness of 8 family Functions with Family Participation of Growth And Development Infants and Children in West Nusa Tenggara Province? (SKAP Data 2019)

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Misroh Mulianingsih¹, Karjono², Zuliardi³


Abstract Introduction. Requirements to be able to care for and raise children optimally, parents must understand and realize the importance of understanding and awareness of 8 family functions. In fact, as many as 88% of families in Indonesia have never heard the 8 family functions. The research objective was to analyze the understanding and awareness of 8 family functions with family participation of Growth and Development infants and children based on 2019 SKAP data. Method. This research used analytical research design with cross-sectional approach and logistic regression test used secondary data from SKAP 2019, namely families who have infants and children at NTB Province with total of 5885 families. Result. The results of this study found that understanding and awareness of 8 family functions and family participation in physical abnormalities of infants and children at NTB province in 2019 were both in good categories, and had a significant correlation between the two with a p-value of 0.000. After conducting the test simultaneously, the results showed that families who have an understanding and awareness of good economic function will be 2.7 times better in participating in the physical growth and development of infants and children compared to families who have less understanding and awareness of economic function. Conclusion. This research focused on relationship between understanding and awareness of 8 family functions with family participation of Growth and Development infants and children. Based on these results, it is hoped that the BKKBN will optimize the program to increase family economic resilience through UPPKS activities and the development of a Prosperous Family Service Center (PPKS).

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