Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Generating hybrid pictures for enhancing cyber security in ATM using PIN authentication method

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Abstract: Present process of ATM has a lot of fraud malicious money transactions and thefts that are occurred by lack of privacy protection. Through introducing false impression PIN, a PIN-based confirmation mechanism that runs on touch screen computers, users fix the issue of shoulder surfing attacks on authentication schemes. PIN uses the hybrid picture method to combine two keys of opposite numerical order such that the button-closer can use one keyboard to reach the Lock, while the intruder from a larger distance is staring at the computer so only the other keyboard is available. The client keyboard is mixed in each effort at authentication because the aggressor can save the pressed digit spatial understanding. Because of the reliability of the Illusion PIN and the creation of an algorithm focused on human visual interpretation, the analyst can't read the key virtually unlikely to pick up the PIN of a Mobile consumer while an IPIN is used by the surveillance camera. The OTP authorization method is also incorporated in the new scheme. This increases the protection related to the computer ATM system

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