Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Extroverts And Quarantine A Survey

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Obuli Ganesh Kishore.S1 , V.Vishnu Priya2 , A. Jothi Priya3 , R. Gayathri4


ABSTRACT: Based on how people mingle with the society they can be classified as introverts,extroverts and ambiverts.Extroverts are people who are basically more active socially and gain attention.Introverts are people who don’t get mingled so much and they stay in a very small circle,they just live to show that they exist.Ambiverts are people who are not extroverts or introverts,they adapt and be how they have to be in places.This study is to to know about the mindset of extrovert individuals at this time of lockdown and quarantine. A self structured questionnaire containing 19 questions was circulated through online google forms link.The survey population contained 100 people.The responses obtained were statistically analysed in SPSS software and the results were depicted in the form of pie charts and graphs.The overall result shows that it is getting tougher day by day for the extroverts to stay home during this lockdown in quarantine as they usually weren’t this ideal.Hence this study can be used to plan for tasks that could keep these extroverts engaged and make it easy for them to abide by the laws in times of national emergencies and pandemics.

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