Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Ranjana V1 , Gifrina Jayaraj2 , Gayathri R3


Outermost covering of the teeth is dental enamel. Enamel is the hardest substance and highly mineralized tissue present in the human body which is almost 96%. It is formed by developing enamel organ epithelial cells called ameloblasts. The protein present in the enamel that helps in the mineralization process is Amelogenin. It is revealed that stem cells can be used for whole tooth regeneration and enamel regeneration but the main problem faced in fabricating cell free synthetic enamel is the formation of the complex interprismatic substance. The main aim of this review was to analyze and review on the various methods of enamel regeneration. This review was done based on the articles obtained from various search engines such as PubMed, PubMed central and Google scholar. They were collected with a restriction in time basis from 1997 - 2020. The inclusion criteria were original research papers, review articles, in vitro studied among various conditions and articles that contain pros and cons. Exclusion criteria came into account for retracted articles and articles of other languages. All the articles were selected based on Enamel Regeneration. The level of evidence of the reviewed articles were categorized as per the criteria of the centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford, UK. Enamel is the hardest mineralized tissue, which can withstand masticatory forces and gives protection to underlying dentin and pulp. Enamel cannot be regenerated since the ameloblast which forms the enamel, gets degenerated. Therefore, it should be preserved, as there is no material found to exactly duplicate it.

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