Online ISSN: 2515-8260

DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT ASPECTS OF SECONDARY NEUROENDOCRINE CHANGES IN ACUTE TWIN BRAIN INJURIESKuldasheva Yayraxon Mirzakarimovna, Xaydarova Feruza Alimovna , Kuldashev Kahramonjon Abdukhalilovich, Khakimova Zilola Kahramonjonovna, Inomova Gulmira Kak

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Kuldasheva Yayraxon Mirzakarimovna, Xaydarova Feruza Alimovna, Kuldashev Kahramonjon Abdukhalilovich, Khakimova Zilola Kahramonjonovna, Inomova Gulmira Kakhramonjonovna.


Annotation. Nowadays, neuroendocrine symptoms following twin brain injuries (twin brain injuries) are more common and negatively affect the outcome of Brain Double Injuries by reducing the overall quality of life. However, research from the scientific literature suggests that neuroendocrine dysfunctions, particularly hypopituitarism, play an important role in the etiology of complications. It has been found that postoperative hypopituitarism has been a clinically common phenomenon in the last twenty years and is likely to contribute significantly to these disorders, given the parallelism of adenohypophysis among those following neuroendocrine changes associated with hypopituitarism other than cerebral palsy. In this our scientific study, we sought to explore hypothesized pathophysiological mechanisms based on neuroendocrine anomalies after a Brain Double Injury through an overview, improved on the basis of an analysis of early diagnosis and treatment aspects.

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