Online ISSN: 2515-8260

Awareness On Emerging Viruses Across The Globe Among College Students In Andhra Pradesh

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1Lasya G, 2Ms. Jothi Priya, 3Dr. Lavanya Prathap


Abstract: The term emerging virus was coined by scientists in the 1990s to describe the agent of a new or previously unrecognized infection. The term implies that emerging viruses are new; however this assumption is incorrect. New virus infections have been emerging for thousands of years, at least since the rise of agriculture 11,000 years ago. The development of agriculture and commerce provided the large populations needed to sustain human infections such as measles and smallpox.An infection is the littlest sort of parasite to exist, typically running from 0.02 to 0.3μm in size, albeit some infections can be as extensive as 1μm. A viral particle or virion contains a single nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) core surrounded by a protein coat and sometimes enzymes that are required to initiate viral replication. Viruses can only replicate within the cells of animals, plants, and bacteria and, as such, are referred to as obligate intracellular parasites.Infections are not characterized by the diseases they cause; rather, they are gathered into various families dependent on whether the nucleic corrosive is single-or twofold abandoned, regardless of whether a viral envelope is available and their method of replication.

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