Online ISSN: 2515-8260


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Sundar R1 , Gifrine Jayaraj2 , Gayathri R3


Cementum is a surface layer which is seen below the radicular dentin. It is near to the neck region of the tooth and thick at the root apex. It is formed by the cells known as cementoblast. Cementum helps the tooth to be attached to the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone through the sharpey’s fibre. Cementum helps in the repair and regeneration of damaged teeth. It has a high anti-absorption capacity. Age estimation using cementum technique is reliable to the teeth which is not affected by periodontal disease. Combined method of biological age estimation had high correlation when compared to public symphysis morphology and similar error were found among both the methodsThe literature search on age estimation using cementum as carried out for papers published from google scholar and pubmed with the intention of retrieving all original reports that were relevant to it. This review helps to provide deeper understanding about age estimation using cementum which benefits the dentist and forensic department.

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