Online ISSN: 2515-8260

A study on Concentration PM10 and PM2.5 at Kancheepuram, West Tambaram Zone

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Dilip Kumar G1 , Sridhar R1 , Siva Guru C1, Rajesh J1


ABSTRACT Air pollution is amixture of complex particles of solid and gases phase inthe air we breathe.Various types of emissions from chemicals and fumes from factories, motor vehicles, dust, pollen and mold from spores may be suspended in air as particles.[1]There are a lot of dust particles present in the atmosphere, among them hazardous substances are also present. The particle size is a direct relation to their capacitytocreate negative health impact.[2]Exposure to Air pollution poses complex problems, which are, heart or lung disease which lead to premature death in people, nonfatal heart attacks, fluctuation in heartbeat, asthma, decrease in lung function, with numerous respiratory symptoms, such as irritation of the airways, coughing or difficulty breathing.[3]Particulate matterof size less than 10 µm in aerodynamic diameter pose a higher risk, because they are susceptible to enter into your lungs, and some may enter your bloodstream.[3] Our study is only about the particle size PM2.5& PM10. We conducted this study at selectively five locations which were getting polluted day by day. Among them twolocationwere highly polluted. Station 1 & Station 3 had a PM10 concentration of 60.83µg/m3 and 86.32 µg/m3. In terms of PM2.5, Station 1 & Station 3 had the maximum concentration of 70 µg/m3 and 83 µg/m3 but was within the guideline limits as per CPCB.

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